A New Era Is Upon Us

2 min readJan 19, 2023
Photo by Luci from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/hands-doing-heart-shape-6859517/

It’s a new era and I am shedding my skin. The past couple of years has collectively been difficult on the world. I can’t say that it’s going to get any easier, but it’s up to us to rise as a community to improve the earth as we know it.

Either way, there has been so much growth internally that I’ve observed. Once shy, with a lack of faith that I was capable of accomplishing my goals. With time I have built the confidence I needed to pursue the path I have been gifted in this lifetime.

Where do we go from here? I’m not sure what the next steps are or what exactly it is that I will delve into but nonetheless I am excited, elated, and ready to tackle my next adventure! Because that is what life is. Remaining open-minded, flexible, and optimistic helps tremendously in the process.

So now I ask you, who do you want to be not only this year but for years to come? What goals do you want to accomplish? Have you thought about what you can do to get there sooner than later?

I have struggled with motivation from time to time. We all have different actions that bring out our creative spirit and childlike joy. I suggest you contemplate what that is for you, and put that thought into action. Just because we grow older shouldn’t mean we forget to have fun and create. Here’s to a fruitful new year full of self-realization, growth, and enjoyment!

As always with gratitude,


I am a creative hobby writer pushing my boundaries. I like to explore personal experiences and reflect deeply to further my self-growth and evolution. I hope you can find comfort in my words or simply feel less alone with your thoughts. Stay tuned as I write wild and free. If my content resonates, feel free to follow me.




I’m pushing my boundaries and sharing personal thoughts and feelings with you. Exploring the light and darkness of life. Join me as I write wild and free.